LEVANT Business Management Services is a company registered in the Kingdom of Bahrain with the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism under Commercial Registration No 11643201 . It is licensed to undertake business consultancy, training and development solutions in the Gulf Region, Africa and beyond.

Q. How the courses are run?

The courses are run in groups of not more than 15 to 20 delegates for full one day, two days or three. Some courses may extend to 5 days. All sessions will include presentations and other learning aids.

Q. Where the courses will be run?

The locations of the courses differ, some courses will be run in Bahrain, Dubai or other locations depending on where the training is focused. We are open to running in house courses as requested by our clients

Q. What is included in the course fee?

We provide presentations via projectors, course materials, tea, coffee, snacks, and lunch.

Q. Where will the sessions take place?

All sessions will be run in a 5 Star Hotel halls or in designated top learning facilities in collaboration with our partners.

Q. What certificate do I get at the end of the course?

Each participant will receive a course completion certificate upon completing the scheduled sessions.

Q. Is there any test at the end of the course?

There are no formal test or exams.

Q. How do l know the details of the course?

There is a brochure for each course which will be sent by email to all candidates which contains the information candidates need to know about the course.

Q. How do I make the payment for the course?

The course brochure will set out all the different payment methods.